über mein setup >:3c

what i use, as of 2024 jun 21:


my computer is a thinkpad t480 running debian testing, connected to a unix layout unicomp model m and a logitech trackball.

desktop environment:

sway with the usual add-ons (swaybg, swaylock, swayimg, etc.), using the stock bar with i3status for system information and wmenu as a dmenu stand-in. i'm making a good faith effort to migrate to wayland, finally, using sway in basically the same way i used i3. no display manager beyond greetd, which i use to unlock my keyring on login. pipewire is my audio server, but i have no real opinions on that; i'm just accustomed to it because i used KDE before i3.

web browser:

firefox-esr with the arkenfox user.js, ublock origin and libredirect, the latter extension mainly for rotating instances of searX (and invidious, when it's working). i use chromium occasionally for any website that absolutely demands blink. i'm generally unconvinced by browsers like librewolf and ungoogled-chromium, whose benefits over user mitigations are pretty marginal imo.

text editor:

emacs for long-form writing, vim for quick edits when emacs would be overkill (like now). i have a sentimental attachment to emacs because i wrote my dissertation in it (org-ref single-handedly converted me—shout-out to john kitchin, who personally saved me hundreds of hours). i generally use emacs in evil-mode (vim-like layers and keybindings).

other daily utilities:

i use foot as a terminal, with bash, sudo, and the other basic bitch defaults. for most file operations, i use lf, but i use pcmanfm for batch operations and mtp, because that stuff's just easier with a graphical tool. i'm using zathura for pdfs these days, except when i need to Split And Merge them, when i use pdfsam. i use pass for passwords, pandoc for document conversion, cmus for tunes, mpv for video playback, swayimg for viewing images and gimp for editing them, audacity for audio editing and recording, libreoffice for dealing with miKKKro$$oft office files when i'm forced to, and so on. all the conventional choices.

the mobile telephone:

my unihertz jelly star, which i'd been using for the past year, crashed to a bootloop. setting it back up after a factory reset, i discovered i'd fallen out of love with it. for now, i'm back on my old pixel 4a running grapheneos, which despite being officially end-of-life still gets better software support than the jelly (though my skepticism of "de-googling" projects that necessarily depend on google support remains). i like the minimalist phone proposition, but a custom rom with carefully selected software offers most of what a minimalist phone does.

phone software (beyond aosp stock):

  • launcher: unlauncher, text-based launcher forked from slim (rip).
  • "app" "stores": f-droid, aurora.
  • unfortunate concessions to social necessity: whatsapp, sms, various sandboxed google services.
  • authentication: aegis for anything important.
  • web browsing: vanadium.
  • music: phonograph for local mp3 playback.
  • podcasts: escapepod.
  • what i don't do on mobile: email, finances, socials.