the question

is this mere cybersquatting?

the answer

no, it's extended data hoarding

a nightmare

i tried a google search, so you dont have to
look up the english nomenclature of dog sounds

the search engine, disguised as an "answer engine"
gives a summary of 12 noises, with their descriptions
and their respective reference list. ad fontes.

barking growling howling
whining panting purring
groaning growls grunting
preference center sighing whimpering

i went to read more about "preference center"
but first i had to verify me being human


both me and my partner woke up at 0:52
from our dog barking/whining/wimpering at the door
she visibly strained her ankle yesterday
and her response to pain is sleeping
rendering all other routines out of order

my partner rose, i fell back asleep
i was stuck at a prompt "at least one level down"
as in, not in the prompt over which i have full control
maybe on here, maybe some other multi user shell server
^C returned me the same prompt, ^D did too
only difference being
^C returned a non-zero result to the next prompt
^D returned zero
exit, logout, nil
i couldn't close the terminal emulator
only interact with the prompt

as in most other dreams where i find myself
in prolonged interaction with a computer
there were nothing else there
i couldn't look away
as there wasn't anything to look away with
there was only the eternal return of the prompt
prompting me to do something

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