
9th September

Hello everyone, welcome back to another read of this blabber.

I’ve been looking into secure another internship / job for the fall semester, so that I can set the stage for something after I graduate. However, I am running into a lot of trouble securing one. It seems my profile is lacking something or I just don’t have the right connections. Gotta keep networking.

I watched “You” on netflix and it makes me realise. I’ll never have someone as infatuated with me as Joe. He was so smitten with Beck. I can only imagine how it feels like to be so attracted to someone. However, it was sad to see Beck die in such cold blood. To reach Beck’s heart, Joe kept digging until he broke his shovel and dug through Beck’s heart as well, breaking it. Beck’s heart didn’t have to lie so deep inside the ground, covered in dirt all around her. To be clear, I am not trying to undermine any of Joe’s misgivings but Beck could have made it easy for him if she really liked him. He was a good catch, but then he started digging. I don’t know. I do like the depressing theme of the show, and how the first season ended. Let’s see how it proceeds with the next season.

Well that’s it for this update. See you all later. Toodles!


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